
Presented by Lara Gieseke (Lazz),
Host & Creator of Walnut Wednesday
On a Wednesday, Lazz and her guests share how they use courage to 'walnut' and empower you to move, decide to be brave and be a part of The Walnut Tree.
Lazz beleives it comes down to us, incredible, real-life humans, changing the world with one courageous baby step at a time. She's been bravely walnutting and leading other women to grow their own confidence ever since.
"I am so many things, but if I had to narrow it down to a few I'd suggest, I'm a healer, self-leader, author, podcast host and more importantly, a Walnut".
Join Lazz, as she shares her weekly Walnuttings with you
- on a Wednesday!
Get ready to unlock the ultimate learning experience! By purchasing our program, you'll gain exclusive access to my online course. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to begin your walnut journey!
So, I'm in my 30s now and I've fallen in love with reading over again. I've been working with this author, Elliott Rose, and it's got me hooked on Dark Romance. But, you know what's weird? There's not a lot of cool stuff out there for people who like that kind of thing. So, I designed my very own reading journal. Oh, and by the way, have you checked out my book, Walnut?
I am leaning into my woo woo and hold space as an energy healer from time to time. Here are my offers to the walnuts out there who are feeling called to do so.
30 min
22 New Zealand dollars30 min
125 New Zealand dollars