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Presented by Lara Gieseke (Lazz),
Host & Creator of Walnut Wednesday
On a Wednesday, Lazz and her guests share how they use courage to 'walnut' and empower you to move, decide to be brave and be a part of The Walnut Tree.
Lazz beleives it comes down to us, incredible, real-life humans, changing the world with one courageous baby step at a time. She's been bravely walnutting and leading other women to grow their own confidence ever since.
"I am so many things, but if I had to narrow it down to a few I'd suggest, I'm a healer, self-leader, author, podcast host and more importantly, a Walnut".
Join Lazz, as she shares her weekly Walnuttings with you
- on a Wednesday!
Featuring Me!
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